Thursday, July 11, 2013

One Hour Cinnamon Rolls by Valley Ridge Recipes

One Hour Cinnamon Rolls

by Valley Ridge Recipes

I saw these on Pinterest via Valley Ridge Recipes, pinned it, and then tried it. These are fabulous!

Of course, I had to tweak the recipe just a bit because, as my children say, I've never met a recipe that I couldn't change, just a bit! Now that link has some lovely step-by-step pics and you may want to check it out. For example, the original recipe made 24 rolls. They were HUGE. So instead of dividing the dough in half, we quartered it the second time we made them. Ended up with 44 rolls of a very generous size. I also cut the yeast down a tablespoon (because I just couldn't put in SIX TABLESPOONS!) and swapped out some whole wheat flour for the all purpose. Yep, never met a recipe I couldn't tweak just a bit!

One Hour Cinnamon Rolls

Mix and let sit for 15 minutes:
3 1/2 c. warm water
3/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. oil
6 T. yeast (4 1/2 Saf-Instant) (**I was a chicken and only used 5 T of yeast and they turned out fine, HUGE in fact!)

Then add:
1 T. salt
3 eggs
10 1/2 c. flour (**I added about a cup more because I just couldn't handle the STICKINESS. I also used 8+ c of all purpose flour and 2 cups of whole wheat)

Mix together for 10 minutes, then sit for 10 minutes. Oil cupboard, dump out dough. Divide in half. Roll one half out into rectangle. (@@see below) Spread with ¼ c. melted butter and then with cinnamon-sugar mixture. Roll up tight, but not too tight. Divide into 12 rolls and place on greased cookie sheet. Repeat with other half of dough. Let rise. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 400.

1c. sugar
1 T. cinnamon

@@ I actually divided this into four chunks and then rolled them out. I ended up with 44 rolls and they are a very good size. It went much farther the second time I made it. The first time I ended up with 24 HUGE HUGE HUGE rolls. The 44 smaller ones were much easier to handle...and eat!

1 cube butter
2 dashes salt
2 t. vanilla
6 c. powdered sugar

Orange Rolls: Add orange concentrate to regular frosting
Chocolate Rolls: Add baking cocoa and a few drops of water to regular frosting
Cream cheese Rolls: Add cream cheese to regular frosting

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